Episode 190: Unlocking Your Productivity Potential with Chelsey Newmyer's Coaching

your next stop Apr 12, 2023

Chelsey Newmyer is a nerd for all things time management and productivity. After years of reading frustrating productivity advice that didn't match her life, she started her coaching business to help solopreneurs and business leaders maximize their time by getting the personalized productivity they need to reach their goals. She’s a Navy spouse and currently lives on Guantanamo Bay Naval Base in Cuba with her husband and their dog, Leia.

In this episode, you will be able to: Uncover the significance of diverse interests for a fulfilling career and personal growth. Master efficient time management approaches tailored for busy solopreneurs and leaders. Smoothly navigate through career transitions and change with an open mindset. Enhance your personal success by delving into tailored productivity coaching methods. Learn to strategically adapt and rebrand in the entrepreneurial world for long-term success.


You can find Chelsey on his Instagram and on her Website and you can check out her Podcast.


Remarkable Quote:


“Executive functioning is a life skill that should be taught in every school because every person can benefit from it.”


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00:00:00 Welcome back to your next stop. This is Juliet Hahn. In this episode, I speak with Chelsey Newmyer. She helps solopreneurs and business leaders to maximize their time. She is all things time management, loves it.

00:00:13 She actually has a podcast from overwhelmed to under control. Listen to how Chelsey kind of found. This path, which she absolutely loves. And she loves helping those people really dive in and maximize their time with just some tips and how she coaches them. You can find Chelsey at her website, which is Chelsey Chelseynewmyer.com.

00:00:40 You can also find Chelsey on Instagram, which is Chelsen coaching. And you can also find the podcast From Overwhelmed to Under Control on all the podcast players. Chelsey is also on LinkedIn. You do not want to miss this. Another person that has followed a passion and turned into a business.

00:00:59 I also wanted to remind you guys that I am a storytelling consultant. I help people be able to articulate their stories, to connect deeper with people. So whether you're on the podcast circuit, whether you're a host or a guest, whether you have your own business, an entrepreneur, whether you're a solopreneur, whether you have a product that you've created, whether you're getting on Ted Talks, media circuits, writing a book, you need to be able to connect with the audience deeper. And I help you do just that. I offer a 30 minutes free consultation to see if we are a match, and then we can go from there.

00:01:34 I've been helping clients do this now for a long time because of the questions I ask. I usually take my podcast guests or clients down a hole that they maybe haven't thought about. And it's really exciting to see when they get excited and then they connect those dots. So I do just that. Please, you can email me at [email protected] for that free 30 minutes consultation to see if we are a match.

00:02:00 We will see you guys next week for another episode of Your Next Stop, but please enjoy the episode coming up.

00:02:09 Hello. Welcome back to your next stop. This is Juliet Hahn. I say it every episode, but I'm truly excited to share another passion story with you. Chelsey Newmyer.

00:02:20 Welcome to your next stop. Thank you so much. I'm so excited to be here. Yeah, so really quickly, Chelsey is a time management coach. You can find her on her website, Chelseyinumyer.com.

00:02:29 You can also find her on Instagram, Chelsen Coaching, and she also is on LinkedIn. So welcome again. I'm excited to connect with this. I know we originally connected, talked for a couple of minutes and I was like, this will be fun. So if you can start with a little bit of your background, where you grew up, if you went to university.

00:02:49 Yeah, absolutely. So I grew up in upstate New York, near Albany, and I always say near Albany because sometimes I say upstate New York and people think like Buffalo or Syracuse. But I'm in the Albany Capital Region area and I went to university at Rensler Polytechnic Institute with RPI, which is up in Troy, New York. And my undergraduate degree is actually in biomedical engineering, which is very helpful as a productivity coach. Yeah, right.

00:03:13 Actually, now I need to know I'm fascinated by engineers because it's literally the opposite of the way my brain works. So what made you kind of decide to study that? I've always been someone who loves math and sciences and problem solving and really kind of like tinkering and figure things out. My mom was a nurse growing up, and my dad was a mechanic for airlines. So I think I was just kind of born with that biology and the nursing and the problem solving, all of those things in my DNA.

00:03:45 And I toy with so many. I was one of those kids who wanted to be something different every other week. When I was growing up, I was always interested and fascinated by learning new things. So at some point I landed on forensic scientist when CSI came out, and that was really cool. So I was determined to be a forensic scientist.

00:04:04 And then I realized that it wasn't like the TV show.

00:04:09 I was interested in medicine for a while, but I was one worried about all the schooling, but also thinking like, I would have made miss the kind of mechanical part of that. And so that's where I landed in biomedical engineering. Interesting. So what did you do that with that when you graduated? Absolutely nothing.

00:04:29 I knew about sophomore year that I actually was not fit to be an engineer. It was way more math than I was interested in. And as a biomedical engineer, it was way more like pipetting and lab work than I was interested in. I think I was you don't exactly know what you're getting into, but I always say that if I could go back and do it again, I would actually do the exact same thing, even though it was so hard, because I met some of the most brilliant people ever at that school. It made me work so hard.

00:05:06 And I mean, an engineering degree is never going to be a detriment to me, so I still have no regrets. But I was taking classes in marketing and writing as minors. I have minors in marketing and professional writing, and those classes acing them like straight 4.0 in my minors. My major not so much. So that's so interesting because this is what I've had some engineers on that turned into entrepreneurs.

00:05:33 And it really does fascinate me because to me, in my mind, it's using two sides of your brain. And I always feel like someone has a right side brain, left side brain, and what is the strength there? So the fact that you were going into the biomedical engineering but you really were exceeding and excelling in the writing and the marketing, where do you think that came from. I think where my strength lies, where it meets and meshes is actually my very first job out of school was a technical writer. So I worked on a team of engineers.

00:06:16 And I was the person who translated what the engineers the information that the engineers gave into something that was usable for a layperson to understand. And I think that's a real strength of mine and thinking through also the process by which the engineers got the information to the editors. Because when I got to this company, the engineers would pop their head over the cubicle or shoot a random email, and it wasn't streamlined or systematized. And so I was able to take the logical part of my brain to create that system, but also the more kind of communicative emotional side to be able to speak engineer and speak editor and have those two meet in the middle and make sure that we're all speaking the same language, we can understand each other. Being an engineer who has the strong social skills is really helpful too.

00:07:09 So I can kind of connect those two pieces. That's really cool. So what made you as you graduated, you realize, okay, I don't want to go into biomedical engineering. And so did you kind of know the path that you wanted to do or did you fall into your first job? Fell into the technical writing for sure.

00:07:26 When I was in college, I also was the chair of our Relay for Life Committee, which is an American Cancer Society fundraiser that's typically done on college campuses or in towns. It's like a 24 hours event. So I was the chair of that for my senior year, and I had been involved for three years. So I was running an event that raised over $100,000 on this campus. And that's where my passion for nonprofit really came into place.

00:07:50 I realized that I'm really good at organizing those kinds of events and rallying people behind a cause. I'm not scared of asking people for money, which is really important. And I loved that world. I loved the project management piece of it. I loved the soft skills and the relationship building piece of it as well.

00:08:11 So an opportunity became available at a local university, and one of my friends was working there in a different department and said, hey, you should check this out. I think you would like it. And so they really just took a shot on me because I had no the kind of classic nonprofit or person as a marketing background or communications or something like that. So they really took a shot on me, and I fell in love with the field. That's amazing.

00:08:34 And so one of the things I want the listeners to take out of this, and this is why I love doing this podcast so much, is that you were doing many different things. You thought you wanted to do one thing, so you decided to not do that and take minors and then realized, okay, wait, let me kind of explore here, because this is not what I'm doing is not scratching an itch. Let me try these other things. So this brings me to my other question. Why did you stay with that major?

00:09:00 Were you too far into it and you didn't want to kind of go back and have to retake? Or was it just that because you said that was my major and you kind of were that personality that were like, I'm going to see it through. It was actually because RPI is an engineering school, so it was a very specialized school that didn't have a lot of other choices. If I had gone to a bigger university, I probably would have changed my major. But it was a very expensive school to be studying, like marketing or communications at.

00:09:26 So part of it was a long conversation with my parents where they weren't thrilled with me changing my major. So it was like I said about sophomore year, where I said, okay, well, an engineering degree is never going to hurt me. I'll just focus. I'll do my best in my engineering classes. I'll do everything that I can, and I tried hard and got through it, but I'm really going to dedicate myself to the learning part of my minors because that's where I knew I was going to.

00:09:55 That's what was really good as where my strings already were. So I leaned into learning that right. No. Very interesting. So did you think about ever transferring or was it no, just stick this out.

00:10:05 I was too in love with the community. I was too in love with the culture of the school, my friends. Like I said, if I could do it again, I would do it the same way because that school made me pushed me so hard. And I don't know if I would have gotten that experience if I had gone to a bigger school or a school without a different type of university experience.

00:10:26 I loved being at the nerdy school. Right. And I think it's we just actually want the episode that just released on Monday. Alison Griffin, she's the head of State Farm of Marketing, and she wanted to be a pharmacist. So she went in California, went to a school specifically for pharmacy, and realized, like, her sophomore junior year that that's not what she wanted to do.

00:10:49 But it was so expensive. It was like a really expensive school. Her parents were like, you're not going to just take an advertising class and stay here. You can't do that. So she ended up transferring her senior year, but was able to kind of pivot it and get into the do the marketing.

00:11:05 But she was saying the same thing. She loved it so much, and it was so hard to make that choice, but she didn't have the choice. So I think it's so interesting that I just had two different stories that have the same sort of thing, because I think it's really important for the listeners to hear that because there are sometimes you do have the opportunities to be like, okay, I can stay, or I can change, or you don't have the opportunity, and you have to pivot and figure it out. So I think it's really important that you explore all your options. Don't just get yourself stuck in a situation because you feel like that's what you have to do, because that's what you said, and so many of us do that, right.

00:11:40 We go into college, this is our major, and then we're like, Wait, this is really not we switch or we change, or other people just stay there because they're like, that's what I did. And that's when people get stuck in life. Yeah, I actually had the opportunity later in my career to be an advisor to high school students, and we were talking about the college process and what they were interested in. They were all juniors, and it was just, I think, very reassuring for them to hear that I was doing something that was totally not related to my major, because it's much more common than we see. We see a lot of people who graduated or doing something totally different.

00:12:18 And so take some of the pressure off yourself. Go for what you're interested in at 18 years old and then see where it takes you, because you're going to be introduced to so many new opportunities to learn and things that you're going to be passionate about. Right. And that is such an important thing you say, because the schools do put so much pressure on these kids. Like, you need to figure out your major.

00:12:38 You need to figure out your major. I mean, my son's going through it. He's a junior right now, so we're talking about it, and he's like, I don't know. I mean, I guess I want to do something in sports and maybe sports management, communications, I have really no idea. And I say to him, I'm like, Listen, honey, unless you want to be like a specialized doctor, it really doesn't matter, okay?

00:12:59 If this is what you're interested, you should see if the school has it before we really dive into it. But you might change. I mean, when I went to school, I went in for corporate fitness, ended up having to take anatomy and physiology and was like, oh, I do not want to do this, and then transfer, you know, changed and did go into communications, radio, television and film. Ended up going in the advertising sales route. There was one class that taught advertising sales.

00:13:24 I fell completely in love with that and went that route, and now I'm doing what I actually did. The creative part of my major is actually what I'm doing now at 49 years old. So it really is kind of interesting. And then I had a stint when my kids were little, that I did fitness. I actually taught classes and taught people health and all that stuff.

00:13:47 So it was really kind of funny. It was kind of both of the things that I was good at that I ended up doing later in life after when I stayed home with my kids. So it really does we all have these different chapters of our lives, and we all pivot in different periods. And it's important to let yourself do that, because what I say is, you don't want I mean, it's like, my biggest fear. I know it will never happen to me, but for someone to be stuck in their life because they feel like they have no choice, and this is what I say to them, and it's always kind of funny.

00:14:18 But you're not a tree. You don't have roots in the ground. You can get up and move and do something different. If you are not happy, you have one life. Why be stuck?

00:14:29 Absolutely. And I think for me, too, there's that fear of, wow, what are other people going to think, right? Especially when you go into a field like engineering or medicine, a lawyer. There's these stigmas of these highly professional, highly educated fields. And so it took about five years before I had to have a little heart to heart with my parents to say, I'm not going to be an engineer.

00:14:52 I think they thought it was like a phase because I would have a family holidays. I'm like, oh, wait, are you going to go into engineering? Have you thought about going, wait, what are you doing? And finally, I was like, I'm not going to be an engineer. We got to move on.

00:15:06 This is what I love to do. It's over. I'm so sorry that I dashed your dreams, but we're moving on because it was so hard. I was embarrassed. Right?

00:15:16 It's hard sometimes when you're so focused on what other people think of that, again, highly educated or anything. Really? It doesn't have to be highly educated either. It's anything. No, you're so right on that.

00:15:26 So after the technical writing, where did you go from there? That's when I moved into fundraising. So I moved into a small shop university in upstate New York. And I loved it. It was so much fun.

00:15:39 I learned a ton. I worked in the annual fund, and that was kind of like the start of my trajectory. So then I kind of transitioned into independent schools, and I've stayed there ever since. So working at either day schools or boarding schools, either in upstate New York, and then I moved to DC. Right.

00:15:55 And I know when we talked about this, because I know this is not like the typical traditional episode I have on, but then when I had Allison from State Farm, that wasn't a traditional one, because a lot of times it's entrepreneurs that I have on this. And I said to you, okay, I'm very interested. Do you always want to stay in the nonprofit and grow your business, which we're going to talk about? You have a business also? And you said, yeah, no, I want to do both always, because it really kind of scratches both of my itches.

00:16:22 So I love that you know that, and that's where you're moving forward, and that's what you do. So take us through a little bit of when you decided to start your own business and when that started. Yeah. So when I joined kind of the more corporate world, I realized how I've always been this time management productivity nerd. Right.

00:16:42 I was like that kid who got your planner in middle school and was super jazzed about it and used it. Right. And then I went to an engineering school where everybody had to be on top of your game because there was so much work, and it was so hard, you couldn't take a beat to slack off. And so then I got into the corporate world, and I was like, oh, not everybody has this skill. Not everybody knows how to use Excel.

00:17:08 Not everybody knows how to manage their inbox or their time or some of this kind of basic stuff. So I was kind of that go to person in the office for a long time and just started building up an awareness of it, I guess, to start and then the kind of the skills and tools to talk to people and coach people through it and start identifying where there's opportunities for efficiencies in an office and in a team. Then I became an executive function tutor for high school students, and that's when it really clicked. Like, wow, this is not taught in schools. Right.

00:17:40 This is not something that's just inherent to people. And from there, that's actually where I started building up the kind of taking it a step back to say, like, okay, let's break it down into these kinds of steps. So when the pandemic hit, I had an extra hour and a half of my day because I wasn't commuting anymore. And that's when I had time to kind of put it all together, put my thoughts together and officially launch my business, which I've been thinking about for years, but knew that I wanted to start working with individuals who just are really effective at their jobs or really good at what they do. They just don't have the skills or haven't really taken the skills.

00:18:24 It's actually why they haven't just taken the time to think through some of the practical things, like how does their schedule look? How are they managing their inbox? What are their back end systems look like? Right. Which is so important because when you said the time management piece and executive functioning.

00:18:37 So, like, anyone that doesn't know executive functioning, this is how I always explain it, because I actually am deficient in executive functioning because of my Dyslexia. So this is how I explain it. Kind of in layman's terms. You can kind of let me know if I said this right, but if my house is a mess and every room is a mess, I don't know where to start. I literally stand, and I'm like and then I don't do anything.

00:19:04 It doesn't do anything. My husband will say, hey, I'll start here, you start there. Great. I go and start there, and we're good. But my brain doesn't do it on its own.

00:19:16 My brain gets overwhelmed if there's too much that I have to choose or pick from. As I've gotten older, I'm much, much better. But as a kid, you can picture that as a kid in school, that it's like, okay, here's ten tasks to do. The kid that is deficient in executive functioning is standing there going, I don't know where to start. So they don't start.

00:19:36 The teachers then say, what's wrong with you? You're lazy. Why aren't you starting? It's not because they're lazy. It's because their brain is literally like, I don't know where to start, or if they have a ton of different homework assignments.

00:19:48 They have six homework assignments. They don't know which one to start, and they don't know where to start. And so it's just spinning. And then they get themselves into trouble because they're not doing their homework. Then the teachers say, Why aren't you doing your homework?

00:19:59 I mean, this was a little bit of my life. If you cannot I talk about it so easy, but it is one of those things. I had a mom that was very good and very good at time management, so she would keep me on task. So I love that you are helping people do that because it's not taught in school. They just assume if you don't do it, then you're lazy, and there's something wrong with you instead of helping you break it down.

00:20:23 Now you will have teachers that will acknowledge and know, oh, wait, maybe they need so it is something that's talked about a little bit more. But I feel like when I was a kid, executive functioning was not a word that was used. No. And I don't remember that ever being taught for me either. The best example I always think of is being taught how to put together a research paper.

00:20:47 I remember being given, step by step what she wanted to see with specific deadlines for an English paper and a history paper. We were given, like, step by step, but it wasn't taught like, this is how you're supposed to do this. It was more taught like, this is how I want to see it. So it wasn't something that you could internalize to say, oh, this is how I should be breaking down, how I choose what homework, how I prioritize the homework I'm going to do every night, how I prioritize the 50 math problems I need to get done and break those down into smaller chunks. It's not taught on how to apply.

00:21:21 I can only just think of those. Specific examples well, and it's crazy actually, if you think about it, it's really crazy that it's not taught because it is a life skill. And I will always take it back. I think my listeners know my oldest son went to very we were very fortunate. He actually went to a Dyslexic school for a period of time when he was young.

00:21:42 And that was the one thing that they talked about. That was the first thing they taught their students was executive functioning. Hey, we're going to work on that. And I was like, that's brilliant. That should be taught in every school because every person can benefit from it.

00:22:00 Even kids that have naturally they have that skill. It's not going to hurt them to redo it because they might actually find something that's even more efficient, but they don't teach it. And it's very frustrating because it doesn't make any sense to me. It's the things that I fight about public school all the time, and it's like, I'm just like that mom again. That's like, I don't do it anymore because my kids are older.

00:22:22 But I was younger. I was like, I don't understand why. Okay, here's his strengths. Let's praise those instead of always talking about the weaknesses, but let's give skills for the weaknesses. Like executive functioning 100%.

00:22:36 Yeah. When I was tutoring, it was also how to read a textbook, but also if you don't learn best by reading, how can we make sure that you get that information in a way that's going to match your strengths? So that's why I always talk about now, productivity is personal. It's executive function is personal, right. What is going to work best for you and your natural strengths and your inclinations and the things that where you're going to naturally shine and prefer to work in.

00:23:04 Because I'm not going to make you fit some other system that it's just going to be a struggle and you're not going to be able to keep up with it. Well, and that's the other thing, right? Because it is very specific to people, especially if they do have their deficit in executive functioning, because there's other people. Again, that it just kind of is a natural thing, but everyone can learn it. I mean, it's silly.

00:23:23 So I love that that's where you started. So then take us through because I know you have a podcast as well. Take us through how kind of the whole thing evolved. Sure. So as most entrepreneurs start, I think winging it, see what stuck.

00:23:38 And I realized I really love the one on one work because again, it's so personal, right? So I want to be able to sit down with the person and brainstorm what's going to make sense for them. But I've also, again, I just kind of love nerding out and talking about it. So the podcast is just my opportunity to interview people and see how they manage their day. So we kind of go into the nitty gritty about, okay, what does a normal routine look like for you?

00:24:04 How do you break down your work? Because it just demonstrates that all of these different people are doing incredible things and they're all doing it a little bit different. So it's not going to be that like, Googling, what's the best schedule? Because just because Richard Branson wakes up at 04:00 in the morning does not mean you need to in order to be successful, right? We have to make sure that it works best for you.

00:24:26 So that's why I love the podcast. It's just that opportunity to kind of nerd it and be nosy as to what other people are doing in their day to day life. Right? Because I love when I speak to entrepreneurs that then they have steps of things they did. So you started the business, you started doing the one on one, then the podcast came.

00:24:45 How did you because I get this question a lot and I always am fascinated at how other people do it, but how did you come up with the name and the names of things that you did? Was it like, okay, this is going to be the name and I'm going to go with it? Or was it like, you had a couple of different names and you're like, let's feel and how does this work if you can take us through that journey a little bit? So the name of the podcast is from Overwhelmed to under control. And I think it's just because I was using my own life as an example, I get overwhelmed.

00:25:13 I'm like, I have so much to do, how am I going to do it? It's like that awful little paralyzed feeling, that pressure. So I was just thinking, I need to be in control of this. I need to be in control of my time. I need to make decisions about task management.

00:25:29 So it was really just how I wanted to feel. And when I was talking to different clients and different customers in different places of my work, that's what they were saying to me. I feel really overwhelmed. They were just fine. I don't know where to start.

00:25:46 I don't know how to prioritize this. I feel out of control. And so really, that was what the inspiration was, because I want people to recognize that when feeling overwhelmed is not weird, it's very normal to feel that way. But the goal then is to get, okay, let's get in control of this and be intentional with our time, right? So I love that.

00:26:09 And so then also when you came up with your business name, because I know for myself, I had a brand first. Mine came from a podcast first, and then the business kind of evolved from there. Which I always do everything backwards, just the way I work. A lot of times people start a business and then the podcast comes out of there. But it's actually so funny that that's how mine evolved because literally I always start at Z and work up where of it, but that's my Dyslexia.

00:26:37 I like to do things opposite. So when you were deciding to open your coaching business, was it always going to be your name or did you have other names? Because I love my listeners always ask that's something that they're always asking about. Yeah, actually the official name of my business is like Chelsey Newmyer Productivity Coaching which I really regret actually, because it's too specific. So I have a DBA which just my name, which allows me to then have more options and more opportunity under my name.

00:27:11 So my recommendation would just be keep it general because now my email is like a terrible ad because that's what I read. That was just a nice growing lesson. In starting a business. But we all do that, right? I mean, I think my listeners know and most of them, but my podcast when I first started was called Next Stop Crazytown.

00:27:32 And that was very endearing to my heart because it was all about personal journal stories and it's like Crazy Town to me is just love. It's my kids, it's my dogs, it's my husband, it's my family, it's my extended family, we have a huge family and so Crazy Town. But then as I started interviewing people after I stopped doing the personal journal stories, they kind of ran out and COVID happened and I realized I loved what I was doing and that I was good at it. And I actually can make this a business. And someone said to me Crazytown, I don't know that I would have been on your podcast if I didn't know you.

00:28:06 I had gotten to know them in clubhouse and I said, oh, why? And they're like crazytown is to me like an insane asylum. Like someone has a problem. And I was like, oh right, okay, I think I need to rethink that. So it took me a little while, but I did rebrand.

00:28:24 But I had the website. Next up crazy town. My email was Juliet at next up, crazytown. And I never shut like I kept I kind of folded that. But then if someone does type that in, it will go to I am Juliet Hahn website.

00:28:39 But then again, I was going back and forth because there is a Juliet Hahn. I just wanted my website to be Juliet Hahn. She is a professor at the Citadel. She's older than me, she's actually Korean as well. So it was like completely opposite and I'm like, okay, I have to figure this out, but I want it to be my name.

00:28:58 So then I was just like, I am that's it, I am Juliet Hahn and it works better that it does. But it's funny because I went around and around. That was one thing that was difficult because it was like, I want it to be simple and I want it to make sense, but I also want it to be the brand and not just the podcast because now it is a brand and it's a business. And so, yeah, it's one of those things that entrepreneurs ask me all the time, like, the first thing, how did you come up with that? And we all learn, we make mistakes, and then we kind of grow from there.

00:29:28 Yeah, I think if you search Chelsey Newmyer Productivity, that will redirect you to my current website, because the other problem I was having is like, productivity is hard to spell quickly. I have to spell it out loud every time and it's very annoying. So, again, it was a great learning opportunity. If I could go back, I may have started with just Chelsey Newmyer, but hey, you know, I was passionate about productivity and wanted that to be highlighted. Right.

00:29:59 Which is exciting. So tell us a little bit about what is next for you, where you are. Do you have some dreams that you can share with us? Yeah, so my one on one is really my focus now because, again, it's so much fun for me. I have such a great time speaking with different people but looking ahead of my business.

00:30:19 I've been working with Solopreneurs for a while and I love working with Solopreneurs, but also going back a little bit to my original audience of working with nonprofit leaders, too, because I just know that they're in a similar position. They have to be entrepreneurial. So it's like the same kind of mindset that you have and they're also working, I would say, like, you have to maximize limited resources. So it's the same kind of thinking there to work back with those. But no.

00:30:48 Podcasts took a little break over the winter, so that's going to be coming up again soon and hoping to just be more visible. I love teaching, I love coaching. So that's really my goal for 2023 is to just get out there as much as possible. Well, I love that. Well, thank you so much for joining your next stop and sharing your story because I know people are going to resonate with it.

00:31:09 I know people are going to be excited about it. People are going to like to learn about your steps and kind of how you got where you are now and the fact that you went to school for engineering because that's really what you thought. And then how you Pivoted, I think is really beautiful because so many people have done that or there's people going to be listening that need to do it. So thank you again for joining your next stop. Thank you.

00:31:30 This is great, you guys. You know what to do, like share, rate and review. You might be listening to this and be like, oh, that's a great story, but you do not know who needs to hear this. So share with as many people as you can. Don't forget to check out Chelsey on her website, Chelseyneumyer.com.

00:31:44 They can find the podcast. You can find a one on one coaching. You can do all that there. Chelsey is also on LinkedIn and on Instagram. Chelsey n coaching.

00:31:53 So thank you again, Chelsey. Thank you. I hope you liked this episode of your Next stop. Please subscribe to my channel, share with your friends and join in each week.


My focus is entirely on helping you follow your passion, even when you feel like you've got stuck in crazy town. There is a way out, its me helping you. You don't have to ditch everything in your life that is making you feel overwhelmed and stuck, you just need some help to navigate it.


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