Episode 160: Lori Highby | Entrepreneur, Podcast Host

Sep 01, 2022

As a young entrepreneur, Lori Highby started her business in 2008, at the start of a recession. She grew her business, Keystone Click, to now have 9 employees and many clients nationwide. Culture, growth, and education are critical to her team's success. She is also a podcast host, speaker, educator and blogger. You'll see her blogging on many websites about digital marketing, personal branding, website design best practices, entrepreneurship, and networking. She is also the founder of Keystone Click, a strategic digital marketing agency. Using her vast multi-industry knowledge gained from experience and education, she have the ability to see the potential of greatness within the already established good of a business. Through strategic actionable moves, she has worked with Fortune 500 companies such as ABB and Syngenta to micro-business owners, to achieve their marketing goals. She carries her energy and drive into her professional engagements in order to empower and educate other fellow life-long learners. In addition to creating the Social Media Marketing curriculum at Milwaukee Area Technical College, she is also an adjunct professor of B2B Marketing at UW-Milwaukee and frequently speaks on webinars and at conferences about digital marketing, personal branding, and entrepreneurship. She currently serves on the board for many local organizations including the Better Business Bureau Serving Wisconsin. Podcast host, speaker, educator, entrepreneur, and digital marketing strategist, her life-long passion for learning continues to fuel her 20+ year career of educating and empowering others to reach their goals.

You can find Lori on her Website and tune in to her Podcasts.

Remarkable Quote:

If you go right and you're 20% down that path and you go 'I should have gone left' - then just stop and go left. It's okay! At least you're making progress and you learned something.”


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