S2E8: Advocating for Specific Learning Disabilities, Not Just Neurodiversity

word blindness Jun 05, 2024



Advocating for Specific Learning Disabilities, Not Just Neurodiversity


Have you ever heard these myths about neurodiversity and learning disabilities? Myth 1: Neurodiversity is just a buzzword. Myth 2: All learning differences are the same. Myth 3: Advocacy for neurodiversity is unnecessary. But are these really true? I'll share the truth with you, but first, let's dive into why these myths exist.

In this episode, you will be able to:

Understand Neurodiversity and Learning Disabilities: Explore the power of embracing different learning styles and abilities.

Learn why Juliet and Brent do not like the word Neurodiverse when it comes to understanding someone’s learning style.

Impact of IEPs on Dyslexia Support: Discover how individualized education plans can transform the learning experience for dyslexic students.

Explore ADHD, Dyscalculia, and other LDs. Uncover insights into supporting students with these learning styles in the classroom.

Advocate for Dyslexia Awareness and Support: Empower yourself to champion dyslexia awareness and access to necessary resources for students.

We're talking single digits of any understanding. So how can you celebrate something that small?

Impact of IEPs on Dyslexia Support
Examining the role of Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) in supporting students with dyslexia. Understanding how IEPs can be tailored to address the specific learning needs of individuals with dyslexia. Highlighting the importance of personalized support and accommodations in facilitating academic success for dyslexic students.

The resources mentioned in this episode are:

Visit the Instagram profiles I am Juliet Hahn, Brent Sopel, The Sopel Foundation, or Word Blindness to share your thoughts on the word neurodiversity and engage in the conversation.

Reach out to Juliet Hahn or Brent Sopel on Instagram to provide your feedback on the word neurodiversity and share your personal experiences related to dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, ADHD, or autism.

Share your thoughts on the word neurodiversity and its impact on the dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, ADHD, and autism communities by sending a direct message to Juliet Hahn or Brent Sopel on Instagram.

Join the conversation about the word neurodiversity and its implications by engaging with Juliet Hahn or Brent Sopel on Instagram and sharing your perspective on the topic.

Participate in the discussion about the word neurodiversity and its relevance to dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, ADHD, and autism by connecting with Juliet Hahn or Brent Sopel on Instagram.


My focus is entirely on helping you follow your passion, even when you feel like you've got stuck in crazy town. There is a way out, its me helping you. You don't have to ditch everything in your life that is making you feel overwhelmed and stuck, you just need some help to navigate it.


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